論文篇名 | 英文:Assessment of the visual quality of sediment control structures in mountain streams 中文:山區河川防砂結構物的視覺評估 |
期刊名稱 | Water |
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 | 2020, 12 |
作者 | Chen, Jinn-Chyi; Cheng, Chih-Yuan; Huang, Chia-Ling; Chen, Su-Chin(陳樹群)* |
DOI | 10.3390/w12113116 |
中文摘要 | 防砂壩、固床工、堤防等防砂工程雖是用於土砂平衡,但我們也希望這些工程能有視覺上的品質。因此以水的視量WR與植物綠的視量GR百分比來組成視覺品質。而這些會外顯於感官的自然性、和諧性、生動性與封閉性。我們已照片呈現問卷調查的方式,來了解一般群眾及專家學者對砂防美學的可能取向。最後發現在綠視量為40%及水視量為30%的組合,是大家對於溪流砂防結構物存在最感覺到美的狀態,此時結構物所佔的比例相對較低。 |
英文摘要 | Sediment control structures such as check dams, groundsills, and revetments are commonly used to balance sediment transport. In this study, we investigated the visual quality of sediment control structures that have been installed to manage mountain streams by analyzing images from the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau (SWCB) of Taiwan. We used visual preference (P) as an indicator in the evaluation of visual quality and considered two softscape elements and four cognitive factors associated with P. The two softscape elements were the visible body of water and vegetation, which were represented by the percentage of visible water (WR) and the percentage of visible greenery (GR). We considered four cognitive factors: naturalness, harmony, vividness, and closeness. Using a questionnaire-based survey, we asked 212 experts and laypeople to indicate their visual preferences (P) for the images. We examined the associations of the P ratings with cognitive factors and softscape elements and then established an empirical relationship between P and the cognitive factors using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the subjects’ visual preferences were strongly affected by the harmony factor; the subjects preferred the proportion of softscape elements to be 30% WR and 40% GR for optimal harmony, naturalness, and visual quality of the sediment control structures. We discuss the visual indicators, visual aesthetic experiences, and applications of the empirical relationship, and offer insights into the study’s implications. |
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性 | 本中心強調永續農業,而為保持山區農業環境發展的防砂工程除其功效外,亦應有環境美學概念。本文即在探討水土保持永續環境發展的工程與自然融合的美學。 |