Recycling Agriculture: Agricultural Waste Recycling: Research and Development of Low-Carbon Agricultural Technologies【Department of Life Sciences / Hwang, Hau-Hsuan / Professor】
論文篇名 | 英文:The growths of different fern plants were enhanced by the inoculations of a plant endophytic bacterium Burkholderia seminalis strain 869T2 中文:植物內生菌 Burkholderia seminalis 菌株 869T2促進多種蕨類植物生長 |
期刊名稱 | Hortscience |
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 | 2024, 59(12), 1838-1844 |
作者 | Hwang, Hau-Hsuan(黃皓瑄)*; Chien, Pei-Ru; Huang, Fan-Chen; Wu, Chih-Lin; Chen, Liang-Yu; Hung, Shih-Hsun Walter; Huang, Chieh-Chen(黃介辰) |
DOI | 10.21273/HORTSCI18199-24 |
中文摘要 | 蕨類植物代表了在維管植物界較為原始的種類,其具有獨特的繁殖和結構特徵,與種子植物極不相同。蕨類植物多樣化的葉片使它們適合用於多種園藝應用,包括室內裝飾、園景美化和園林設計。儘管蕨類植物缺乏像穀物或水果這樣的經濟性產品,但它們在觀賞價值及在傳統醫學和生物肥料中具有高度的潛在應用價值。鳥巢蕨(Asplenium nidus)以其呈蓮座狀的大型披針形葉片而聞名,是台灣常見的觀賞植物,也是台灣食材和傳統藥物的來源之一。東方狗脊蕨(Woodwardia orientalis)和美人蕨(Blechnum gibbum),因其獨特的葉片結構和美學價值而受到青睞;而銀脈鳳尾蕨(Pteris ensiformis)因其裝飾性葉片在園藝栽培中被廣泛使用。植物內生細菌是存在於植物組織內而不造成植物明顯病徵的微生物,已知可為宿主植物帶來多種益處。雖然這些細菌對種子植物的有益作用已被廣泛研究,但其與蕨類植物的交互作用卻仍然較少被研究。本研究探討了從培地茅(Chrysopogon zizanioides)中分離出的內生細菌 Burkholderia seminalis 菌株 869T2可促進四種不同蕨類植物生長的能力。研究結果顯示,在接種869T2菌株 後,四種蕨類植物的葉片數量和地上部鮮重均顯著地增加。這些數據顯示了利用從種子植物中分離的內生細菌可用於增強較原始的維管植物生長的可能性,從而提升蕨類植物的園藝和觀賞價值。 |
英文摘要 | Ferns represent a primitive lineage within the vascular plant kingdom, characterized by distinct reproductive and structural traits that set them apart from seed-bearing plants. Their diverse foliage makes them suitable for various horticultural applications, including indoor decoration, landscaping, and garden design. Despite their lack of economic products like grains or fruits, ferns contribute significantly through their biomass, ornamental value, and potential applications in traditional medicine and bio-fertilization. The bird's nest fern (Asplenium nidus), with its rosette of large, lance-shaped leaves, is a popular ornamental plant and a source of food and traditional medicine in Taiwan. The oriental chain fern (Woodwardia orientalis) and dwarf tree fern (Blechnum gibbum), members of the Blechnaceae family, are similarly valued for their distinctive leaf structures and aesthetic appeal, while silver lace fern (Pteris ensiformis), known for its decorative foliage, is widely used in horticulture. Endophytic bacteria, which reside within plant tissues without causing visible harm, are known to confer numerous benefits to their host plants. While the beneficial effects of these bacteria have been extensively studied in seed plants, their interactions with ferns remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated the potential of the Burkholderia seminalis strain 869T2, an endophytic bacterium isolated from vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides), to promote the growth of four different fern species. The leaf numbers and biomass of aerial parts of four kinds of fern plants were greatly increased after inoculating the strain 869T2. These data demonstrated the possibility of using endophytic bacteria isolated from seed plants to enhance the growth of more primitive vascular plants, thereby increasing their horticultural and ornamental value. |
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性 | 蕨類植物生長緩慢,施用植物內生菌可幫助園藝作物提升生長速率,相較於化學肥料,可作為高效能且對環境友善的替代方案。 |