論文篇名 | 英文:Priming effects of cover cropping on bacterial community in a tea plantation 中文:間作綠肥大豆對茶園土壤細菌群落之影響 |
期刊名稱 | Sustainability |
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 | 2021, 13, 4345 |
作者 | Shen, Fo-Ting(沈佛亭)*; Lin, Shih-Han |
DOI | 10.3390/su13084345 |
中文摘要 | 茶園紅土之強酸特性提供一特殊之細菌棲息場所,上述土壤特性與細菌群落結構則受到不同栽培管理方式所影響,其中於茶樹行間種植綠肥大豆對於土壤細菌群落之影響則少有探討。本研究利用群落層次生理圖譜分析與16S rDNA次世代定序,解析綠肥大豆種植後對於土壤細菌群落多樣性、代謝潛勢與結構之短期效應。研究結果顯示,綠肥大豆種植三個月後可提高土壤EC值、有效性磷、鉀與有效性微量元素鐵、錳、銅、鋅含量。間作綠肥大豆亦顯著提高土壤細菌之功能多樣性與六大類碳源之代謝潛勢。與未間作綠肥大豆之對照組土壤比較,綠肥大豆種植後明顯提高Acidobacteriaceae、Burkholderiaceae、Rhodanobacteraceae與Sphingomonadaceae菌科之相對豐富度。上述菌科具有分解土壤有機質釋放養分與促進植物生長之潛力。本研究首度提出於茶園間作綠肥大豆有助於改善土壤細菌群落結構,並具有提高土壤細菌功能多樣性、促進養分循環與促進植物生長之潛力。 |
英文摘要 | The acidic nature of red soil commonly found in tea plantations provides unique niches for bacterial growth. These bacteria as well as soil properties are dynamic and vary with agricultural management practices. However, less is known about the influence of manipulation such as cover cropping on bacterial communities in tea plantations. In this study a field trial was conducted to address the short-term effects of soybean intercropping on a bacterial community. Diversity, metabolic potential and structure of the bacterial community were determined through community level physiological profiling and amplicon sequencing approaches. Cover cropping was observed to increase soil EC, available P, K, and microelements Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn after three months of cultivation. Bacterial functional diversity and metabolic potential toward six carbon source categories also increased in response to cover cropping. Distinct bacterial communities among treatments were revealed, and the most effective biomarkers, such as Acidobacteriaceae, Burkholderiaceae, Rhodanobacteraceae, and Sphingomonadaceae, were identified in cover cropping. Members belonging to these families are considered as organic matter decomposers and/or plant growth promoting bacteria. We provided the first evidence that cover cropping boosted both copiotrophs (Proteobacteria) and oligotrophs (Acidobacteria), with potentially increased functional stability, facilitated nutrient cycling, and prospective benefits to plants in the tea plantation. |
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性 | 本研究旨在探討綠肥大豆間作對茶樹行間細菌群落結構之影響,進而評估種植綠肥大豆提高茶園土壤細菌多樣性與有益菌群之潛力,研究成果有助於茶園土壤之健康管理與永續發展。 |
Priming effects of cover cropping on bacterial community in a tea plantation 2021-04-14