Facility Agriculture: Intelligent SensorsDepartment of Electrical Engineering / Wen, Chih-Yu / Distinguished Professor  
論文篇名 英文:Cooperative Networked PIR Detection System for Indoor Human Localization
期刊名稱 Sensors, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Indoor Positioning Systems
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2021, 21(18), 6180
作者 Wu, Chia-Ming; Chen, Xuan-Ying; Wen, Chih-Yu(溫志煜)*; Sethares, William A.
DOI 10.3390/s21186180
中文摘要 由於紅外線感測器(pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensors)只呈現物體移動的趨勢,並無法顯現位置的訊息,因此本論文透過多顆鑲嵌於天花板之感測器,以合作感測與控制的方式,實現人體目標的初步追蹤與定位。值得注意的是,除了環境會對於感測資訊造成影響之外,物體行進間感測區域的轉換以及感測區域重疊所造成的定位區域不確定性皆為影響定位精確度的關鍵性因素,故本研究以兩階段方式實現目標追蹤與定位:首先嘗試利用紅外線感測器之物理特性與可信度轉移模式(Transferable Belief Model (TBM))之定位演算法相互結合,以獲得概略之位置估測,接著再輔以統計訊號處理的技術、統計學習的模組進行尋標定位區域的優化,進而提升定位的準確率。有鑑室內定位系統的應用需求日益增長,本論文深入探究定位系統的設計原則,其重要研究主題包括:(1)在既有的紅外線感測空間解析度下,如何提升系統的效率與估測精確度;(2)如何發展出智能室內定位系統,從而達到尋標定位與追蹤品質之間的平衡。因此,以紅外線感測所獲取之資訊為基礎,透過可信度轉移模式、機率分布模型、與學習方法的分析,精準歸納出物體所在區域,以實現穩定可靠之PIR感測尋標定位系統。
英文摘要 Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) sensors are low-cost, low-power and highly reliable sensors that have been widely used in smart environments. Indoor localization systems can be categorized as wearable and non-wearable systems, where the latter are also known as device-free localization systems. Since the binary PIR sensor detects only the presence of a human motion in its field of view (FOV) without any other information about the actual location, utilizing the information of overlapping FOV of multiple sensors can be useful for localization. In this study, a PIR detector and sensing signal processing algorithms are designed based on the characteristics of the PIR sensor. We apply the designed PIR detector as a sensor node to create a non-wearable cooperative indoor human localization system. To improve the system performance, signal processing algorithms and refinement schemes (i.e., the Kalman filter, a Transferable Belief Model, and a TBM-based hybrid approach (TBM + Kalman filter)) are applied and compared. Experimental results indicate system stability and improved positioning accuracy, thus providing an indoor cooperative localization framework for PIR sensor networks.
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性         在智慧農業與物聯網應用中,目標物的定位追蹤與室內感測系統之研發與設計乃是關鍵的重要議題。相較於傳統的穿戴式室內定位追蹤系統,本研究致力於運用天花板鑲崁的紅外線感測器(pyroelectric infrared (PIR sensors)),實現非穿戴式之室內定位追蹤估測。有鑑於室內定位追蹤系統的應用需求日益增長,此研究成果將可進一步延伸發想,成為物聯網應用中,農業室內場域監控的解決方案。
  1. 動物、畜牧業的活動監控,輔助管理人員的例行觀察活動,減少人員的負擔
  2. 觀察動物的活動力,協助畜牧業控管動物健康

Figure. Typical examples of tracking results with the hybrid approach and Kalman filter: Route 05.