論文篇名 英文:Entirely, Intrinsically, and Autonomously Self‐Healable, Highly Transparent, and Superstretchable Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Personal Power Sources and Self‐Powered Electronic Skins
期刊名稱 Advanced Functional Materials (IF=15.621; 排名96.96 % (5/148))( 獲選Advanced Functional Materials選為VIP文章,封面文章)
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2019, 190426          
作者 Ying-Chih Lai,(賴盈至)* Hsing-Mei Wu,‡ Heng-Chuan Lin, Chih-Li Chang, Ho-Hsiu Chou,* Yung-Chi Hsiao, and Yen-Cheng Wu,
DOI 10.1002/adfm.201904626
中文摘要 研發出世界第一個不需要電池能量供應、自修復功能、透明、可伸縮、甚至能發電的軟性電子皮膚,此研究成果刊登於國際頂尖期刊《先進功能材料》(Advanced Functional Materials),被選為VIP文章,以及封面故事,國內外主流新聞報導超過22次(包含台視、中國時報、聯合報等)的特別報導。)。這款能發電、能自癒的仿生皮膚的概念源自於好萊塢科幻電影《終結者》系列中,由影星阿諾史瓦辛格扮演具有自我修復能力的機器人殺手,以特殊的導電電極和高分子作為基底,此新發明的電子皮膚兼具拉伸性、透明性與自修復功能、不須供電運作、能自我修復,不僅聰明、省電又環保,在智慧電子、未來機器人、義肢皮膚和人機介面的領域具有極大的應用潛力。
英文摘要 Power and electronic components that are self‐healable, deformable, transparent, and self‐powered are highly desirable for next‐generation energy/electronic/robotic applications. Here, an energy‐harvesting triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) that combines the above features is demonstrated, which can serve not only as a power source but also as self‐powered electronic skin. This is the first time that both of the triboelectric‐charged layer and electrode of the TENG are intrinsically and autonomously self‐healable at ambient conditions. Additionally, comparing with previous partially healable TENGs, its fast healing time (30 min, 100% efficiency at 900% strain), high transparency (88.6%), and inherent superstretchability (>900%) are much more favorable. It consists of a metal‐coordinated polymer as the triboelectrically charged layer and hydrogen‐bonded ionic gel as the electrode. Even after 500 cutting‐and‐healing cycles or under extreme 900%‐strain, the TENG retains its functionality. The generated electricity can be used directly or stored to power commercial electronics. The TENG is further used as self‐powered tactile‐sensing skin in diverse human–machine interfaces including smart glass, an epidermal controller, and phone panel. This TENG with merits including fast ambient‐condition self‐healing, high transparency, intrinsic stretchability, and energy‐extraction and actively‐sensing abilities, can meet wide application needs ranging from