論文篇名 英文:Waterproof Fabric-based Multifunctional Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Universally Harvesting Energy from Rain Drops, Winds, and Human-Motions and as Self-Powered Sensors
期刊名稱 Advanced Science (IF=15.807; 排名95.392 % (14/293))
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2019, 1801883.
作者 Ying-Chih Lai*, Yung-Chi Hsiao, Hsing-Mei Wu, and Zhong Lin Wang*
DOI 10.1002/advs.201801883
中文摘要 此成果破壞性研發靈活、輕量、環境適應性強、可廣泛實施、可大範圍收集、同時收集多種環境能源的多功能柔性發電布。以織物為基底的特色,可廣泛應用於各種織物上,如雨傘、雨衣、遮雨棚、旗幟,以及衣物。實現世界上第一個以布為基礎,可以同時收集自然(風、雨滴)能源與人體運動能源的柔性奈米發電機,這是世界上第一次能夠利用布料同時收集微小、紊亂的自然能源與人體運動的能量;不僅如此,奈米發電布也可作為主動式、自驅動的柔性人機介面;這項成果打開物聯網能源、遠端能源、離散能源、穿戴能源等新科技的能源思維,同時開啟智慧衣物新的大門。這項成果發表在國際頂尖先進科學雜誌Advanced Science (影響因子高達15.8),同時獲得國內外超過24家主流媒體(包含Physics Review、Advanced Science News、華視、民視、中國時報、聯合報等)的特別報導。成果也獲得多家廠商的產學合作機會,包含福懋興業、南亞塑膠、歐都納、閎暉實業、禹全科技、微銳科技、台達電等,1月份至今,已經完成2家廠商的產學合作簽約,其他廠商則正在討論產學合作之細節。此外,此成果獲得2019年科技部未來科技突破獎!更獲選亮點技術(全台灣僅24件)。
英文摘要 Developing nimble, shape‐adaptable, conformable, and widely implementable energy harvesters with the capability to scavenge multiple renewable and ambient energy sources is highly demanded for distributed, remote, and wearable energy uses to meet the needs of internet of things. Here, the first single waterproof and fabric‐based multifunctional triboelectric nanogenerator (WPF‐MTENG) is presented, which can produce electricity from both natural tiny impacts (rain and wind) and body movements, and can not only serve as a flexible, adaptive, wearable, and universal energy collector but also act as a self‐powered, active, fabric‐based sensor. The working principle comes from a conjunction of contact triboelectrification and electrostatic induction during contact/separation of internal soft fabrics. The structural/material designs of the WPF‐MTENG are systematically studied to optimize its performance, and its outputs under different conditions of rain, wind, and various body movements are comprehensively investigated. Its applicability is practically demonstrated in various objects and working situations to gather ambient energy. Lastly, a WPF‐MTENG‐based keypad as self‐powered human–system interfaces is demonstrated on a garment for remotely controlling a music‐player system. This multifunctional WPF‐MTENG, which is as flexible as clothes, not only presents a promising step toward democratic collections of alternative energy but also provides a new vision for wearable technologies.