Novel Material Agriculture: Novel Environment Friendly Material and  Safety EvaluationDepartment of Materials Science Engineering / Hsueh, Han-Yu / Associate Professor
論文篇名 英文:Fabrication of Frog-Skin-Inspired Slippery Antibiofouling Coatings Through Degradable Block Copolymer Wrinkling
期刊名稱 Advanced Functional Materials
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2021, ASAP
作者 Chen, Ting-Lun; Lin, Yen-Po; Chien, Chih-Hsuan; Chen, Yi-Chen; Yang, Yi-Ju; Wang, Wei-Lung; Chien, Lee-Feng; Hsueh, Han-Yu(薛涵宇)*
DOI 10.1002/adfm.202104173
中文摘要 本研究模仿兩生類動物青蛙皮膚具有柔軟能起皺且滑溜的特性,製備「類流體滑液表面 (slippery surface)」之抗水中生物附著表面塗層。一開始,先觀察多種台灣本土特有種青蛙的表皮型態並獲得啟發,接著,透過本研究室開發之獨創技術,能大面積製造高有序皺褶表面的濕式誘導釋放起皺過程 (dynamic interfacial release process),並結合可分解之嵌段共聚物(degradable block copolymer)的自組裝,來得到多尺度(hierarchical)奈米多孔皺褶結構,即微米等級的皺褶表面遍佈奈米孔洞,並在此表面注入潤滑液矽油,形成仿蛙類皮膚表面構造之抗汙垢生物附著表面。進一步在動態環境與不同藻類溶液中測試,證實所製備的滑液皺褶表面具有長效性的抗生物污垢附著能力,且能應付不同環境,如淡水與海水中的多種藻類。
英文摘要 Marine biofouling is a severe problem with a wide-reaching impact on ship maintenance, the economy, and ecosystem safety, among others. Inspired by complex multifunctional frogskins, wrinkled slippery coatings are created that exhibit remarkable antifouling, anti-icing, and self-cleaning properties through a combination of degradable di-block copolymer self-assembly [i.e., polystyrene-b-polylactide (PS-b-PLA)] and hydrolysis-driven dynamic release-induced surface wrinkling. Microwrinkled patterns can generate curved surfaces that are resistant to biofouling. Gyroid-forming PS-b-PLA can be used to produce nanoporous templates with cocontinuous nanochannels, which generate strong capillary forces for trapping and storing infiltrated lubricants. In this study, block-copolymer-derived hierarchically wrinkled slippery liquid-infused nanoporous surfaces (i.e., micro wrinkles with nanochannels infused with slippery fluids) are successfully fabricated after silicone oil infiltration. The antibiofouling performance of these surfaces is examined against different foulers under various conditions. The produced coatings exhibited flexible, stable, transparent, and easily tunable antibiofouling characteristics. In particular, the formation of an eco-friendly silicon-based lubricant layer without the use of fluorinated compounds and costly material precursors is an advantage in industrial practice that can be adopted in various applications, such as fuel transport, self-cleaning windows, anticorrosion protection, nontoxic coatings for medical devices, and optical instruments.
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性 藻類危害一直是農林漁牧業會遇到的嚴重問題, 像是魚塭內壁的積藻, 或是輸送管線內的水藻阻塞, 這些都大大增加農林漁牧業的成本, 本研究提供一新穎方法避免藻類披覆物體表皮, 有助於減緩積藻的發生, 降低成本。