Ecological Agriculture: Ecological Monitoring and Rehabilitation of Agriculture LandscapesDepartment of Forestry / Liu, Wan-Yu / Distinguished Professor
論文篇名 英文:To Exclude or Not to Exclude? The Effect of Protest Responses on the Economic Value of an Iconic Urban Heritage Tree
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2022, 71, 127551
作者 Liu, Wan-Yu(柳婉郁)*; Chuang, Yu-Chou
DOI 10.1016/j.ufug.2022.127551
中文摘要 本研究目的為探究條件評估法(contingent valuation method, CVM)評估非市場財貨之經濟價值時常被視為慣例的抗議性樣本(protest response)處理方法之爭議。條件評估法中受訪者若因非經濟因素而不願意填答心中認定之價值,便被視為「抗議性樣本」;刪除抗議性樣本不納入分析是作條件評估法時的慣例,但此種處理方式使得樣本結構變得不完整,進而讓分析結果產生偏誤最終導致經濟資源的錯置。本研究評估全台唯一位於市中心的千年神木台中西區茄苳王公之經濟價值,研究期間收集307份有效樣本,其中有26.71%為抗議性樣本,排除抗議性樣本後之經濟價值為每人每年願付246.80元保護該株老樹。本研究經Tobit模型分析顯示將抗議性樣本視為純零樣本納入經濟價值評估,將導致明顯的低估情形;而Heckman二階段選擇模型則顯示,將抗議性樣本排除對老樹經濟價值評估並無造成顯著樣本選擇偏誤之影響。本研究中有不少比例之受訪者在接受CVM調查時,無法將自身對都市老樹的價值認知確切量化成願意支付的金額,建議後續相關研究能著重以都市老樹現行管理政策來詢問受訪者之看法態度,以減少對抗議性樣本對CVM經濟價值評估之影響。
英文摘要 It is a common practice for many studies using the contingent valuation method (CVM) to censor protest responses, but this practice may make data structures incomplete and lead to sample selection bias at the final analysis stage for economic evaluation. This study adopted the CVM to assess the economic value of Qiedong-Wang-Gong (Bischofia javanica) (QWG), the only urban heritage tree over a thousand years old in Taiwan, and analyzed the effect of protest reponses. A total of 307 valid samples were collected and 27% of the respondents were categorized to protest responses. This study used discriminant analysis and multinomial logistic regression to distinguish the types of protest samples. The results showed that the overall classification performance of the multinomial logistic regression is better than that of the discriminant analysis. The Tobit model was applied to deal protest responses as legitimate zero responses and the result showed that the model underestimated the economic values of QWG significantly. The Heckman two-stage model was utilized to evaluate the effect of censoring protest responses. The result revealed that excluding protest responses from further valuation analysis did not lead to significant sample selection bias. In this study, many respondents failed to quantify their preferences toward protecting QWG in terms of willingness to pay. This study suggested further studies could highlight the current policy about ancient urban trees management to decrease respondents’ protest beliefs in CVM studies.
發表成果與本中心研究主題之相關性 農業包括農林漁牧,而因應氣候變遷林業領域如何調適、如何建構韌性林業,為一大值得關注之議題。