Ecological Agriculture: Ecological Monitoring and Rehabilitation of Agriculture LandscapesDepartment of Forestry / Liu, Wan-Yu / Distinguished Professor
論文篇名 英文:Investigating Environmental Transgressions at Corbett Tiger Reserve, India 
中文:印度Corbett Tiger Reserve保護區的環境侵害
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2020, 11 (20): 5766
作者 Sharma, Tanmay; Chen, Joseph S.; Liu, Wan-Yu(柳婉郁)*
DOI 10.3390/su11205766
中文摘要 此研究以質性分析方式進行訪談和焦點小組討論,探究印度最古老和最大的國家公園科貝特老虎保護區,北阿坎德邦的遊客和旅遊提供者所造成的環境侵害問題。即使旅遊業利益相關者意識到環境違規,但環境可持續實踐似乎也不是優先事項。但是,這研究指出,重複訪問後,改善訪問者體驗和有效的資訊傳播將可增強場所依戀感,甚至會提升受訪者的不順從行為。此外,未來的旅遊業可能需要協助社區旅遊業機構來減少對環境的侵害。
英文摘要 Through a qualitative lens involving both in-depth interviews and focus groups, this researchattempts to probe the issues of environmental transgressions caused by tourists and tourismproviders in one of the oldest and largest national parks in India, the Corbett Tiger Reserve (CTR),Uttrakhand. It reveals that even though tourism stakeholders are conscious of environmentaltransgressions, concrete efforts towards environmentally sustainable practices in CTR do not seemto be a priority. Nevertheless, this research suggests that visitor’s noncompliant behavior may bealtered by enhancing place attachment through repeat visitations, improving visitor experiences,and effective information dissemination. Also, future tourism operations may require a reduction inenvironmental transgressions through the creation of an agency that can assist community-basedtourism operations.