Facility Agriculture: Intelligent SensorsDepartment of Electrical Engineering / Wen, Chih-Yu / Distinguished Professor  
論文篇名 英文:Design of Carryable Intravenous Drip Frame with Automatic Balancing
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 202020 (3), 793
作者 Wu, Ming-Feng; Chen, Chia-Shan; Chen, I-Shan; Kuo, Tz-Hau; Wen, Chih-Yu(溫志煜)*; Sethares, William A.
DOI 10.3390/s20030793
中文摘要 點滴架係用來撐掛點滴袋,利用高度差產生的位能,使靜脈液體滴注連續性的注入靜脈。然而除臥床之外,病患為了上洗手間、用餐、甚至是作其他檢查或復健,都必須仰賴移動式的點滴架,包含滑輪式以及附著輪椅上的機構或者將滑輪式點滴架直接擺輪椅踏板前。然而,滑輪式的底座笨重,病患大都無法自行提起無法越過高低阻隔。有鑑於傳統技術的缺點與不便利性,本系統設計為一「平衡背負式點滴架」,利用調控的方式使點滴不回血,且輕便、穿脫與使用容易,能提供點滴架使用者既安全又有移動性功能的創新價值。此外,所研發的自動平衡機制,未來將可與農業機械的應用領域(例如:搬運系統)做更廣泛的結合
英文摘要 Due to the inconvenience of the conventional intravenous drip frame, the piggyback intravenous drip frame is developed to improve the mobility of the patient. However, the current design of the drip frame leads to a lack of balance control and increment of blood returning. To this end, the proposed system aims to solve this problem, and a fuzzy proportional integral–derivative control technique is developed to demonstrate the system feasibility. Accordingly, a reliable balanced system can be applied to facilitate the movements of patients and ensure patient safety with compensating the inclination angle of the drip frame such that the reduction of blood returning and the balance control of the piggyback intravenous drip frame can be achieved.

Figure:The three-tier communication architecture of the proposed system