論文篇名 英文:Influence of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii on coral reef mesocosms exposed to ocean acidification and experimentally elevated temperatures
中文: 海草可提升面臨海水酸化及暖化影響珊瑚之抵抗力
期刊名稱 Science of the Total Environment
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134464
作者 Liu PJ, Ang SJ, Mayfield AB, Lin HJ
DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134464
中文摘要 我們利用珊瑚礁中觀生態池(mesocosm),模擬海水CO2升高(海水酸化)及海水暖化造成的氣候變遷情境,對有泰來草(Thalassia hemprichii)伴生之珊瑚礁生態系(海草組)和無海草伴生之珊瑚礁生態系(無海草組)的影響。珊瑚礁中觀生態池位於國立海洋生物博物館內的水族實驗中心,為玻璃纖維構成的6個容量約5噸之海水生態池(3m長 × 2m寬 × 1m高),生態池內蓄養南灣珊瑚礁主要生物,以模擬南灣珊瑚礁生態系。
英文摘要 Ocean acidification (OA) and warming currently threaten coastal ecosystems across the globe. However, it is possible that the former process could actually benefit marine plants, such as seagrasses. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the effects of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii can increase the resilience of OA-challenged coral reef mesocosms whose temperatures were gradually elevated. It was found that shoot density, photosynthetic efficiency, and leaf growth rate of the seagrass actually increased with rising temperatures under OA. Macroalgal growth rates were higher in the seagrass-free mesocosms, but the calcification rate of the model reef coral Pocillopora damicornis was higher in coral reef mesocosms featuring seagrasses under OA condition at 25 and 28°C. Both the macroalgal growth rate and the coral calcification rate decreased in all mesocosms when the temperature was raised to 31°C under OA conditions. However, the variation in gross primary production, ecosystem respiration, and net ecosystem production in the seagrass mesocosms was lower than in seagrass-free controls, suggesting that the presence of seagrass in the mesocosms helped to stabilize the metabolism of the system in response to simulated climate change.