Recycling Agriculture: Recycling of Agricultural WasteDepartment of Life Sciences / Hwang, Hau-Hsuan / Professor
論文篇名 英文:A plant endophytic bacterium, Burkholderia seminalis strain 869T2, promotes plant growth in Arabidopsis, pak choi, Chinese amaranth, lettuces, and other vegetables
中文:植物內生菌Burkholderia seminalis 869T2可促進阿拉伯芥、青江菜、小白菜、萵苣、莧菜等作物生長
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2022, 10, 2047
作者 Hwang, Hau-Hsuan(黃皓瑄)*;Chien, Pei-Ru; Huang, Fan-Chen; Yeh, PinHsien; Hung, ShihHsun Walter; Deng, Wen-Ling; Huang, Chieh-Chen(黃介辰)*
DOI 10.3390/microorganisms10102047
中文摘要 全球氣候變遷造成機端氣候之產生,因全球氣溫的增加造成缺水及土壤鹽化情形加劇。經濟作物生長因各式非生物性逆境影響使作物產量降低。植物內生菌存在且生活於植物體內,可自表面消毒後之植物組織中分離出,不會造成植物有明顯地病徵,此類細菌可藉由多種機制幫助植物生長。相較於傳統育種和利用基因改造方式產生或選拔各式抗逆境之作物,使用植物內生菌幫助作物生長和抵抗非生物性逆境,已成為新興的替代方案。本研究自鹽澤植物的雲林菀草中分離出一株植物內生菌Priestia megaterium BP-R2具有高度耐鹽能力和生合成植物賀爾蒙中的植物生長素的能力。經由本研究結果得知其可促進阿拉伯芥、小白菜作物生長。並促使植物在高鹽或缺水環境中相對於控制組具有較好之生長狀態。且其植物體內具有較低的hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)electrolyte leakage (EL)malondialdehyde (MDA)累積。綜合上述,植物內生菌Priestia megaterium BP-R2可促進植物生長和幫助植物抵抗高鹽和乾旱逆境。
英文摘要 Global warming and climate change have contributed to the rise of weather extremes. Severe drought and soil salinization increase because of rising temperatures. Economically important crop production and plant growth and development are hindered when facing various abiotic stresses. Plant endophytic bacteria live inside host plants without causing visible harm and can be isolated from surface-sterilized plant tissues. Using plant endophytic bacteria to stimulate plant growth and increase environmental stress tolerance has become an alternative approach besides using the traditional breeding and genetically modifying approaches to select or create new crop types resistant to different environmental stresses. The plant endophytic bacterium, Priestia megaterium (previously known as Bacillus megaterium) strain BP-R2, was isolated from the sur-face-sterilized root tissues of the salt marsh halophyte Bolboschoenus planiculmis. The bacteria strain BP-R2 showed high tolerance to different sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations and produced the auxin plant hormone, indole acetic acid (IAA), under various tested growth conditions. Inoculation of Arabidopsis and pak choi (Brassica rapa L. R. Chinensis Group) plants with the strain BP-R2 greatly enhanced different growth parameters of the host plants under normal and salt and drought stress conditions compared to that of the mock-inoculated plants. Furthermore, the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content, electrolyte leakage (EL), and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration accumulated less in the BP-R2-inoculated plants than in the mock-inoculated control plants under salt and drought stresses. In summary, the plant endophytic bacterium strain BP-R2 increased host plant growth and stress tolerance to salt and drought conditions.
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性 植物生長受限,嚴重影響經濟作物的產值。相較於利用傳統育種或基因改造獲得或選拔抗逆境作物的策略,施用植物內生菌幫助作物提升生長速率與抵抗環境逆境,可作為高效能且安全性較高的替代方案。本研究自雲林菀草中分離出一株植物內生菌Priestia megaterium BP-R2。植物內生菌存在且生活於植物體內,可自表面消毒後之植物組織中分離出,不會造成植物有明顯地病徵。內生菌可促進寄主植物獲得較多養分或藉由調節植物賀爾蒙功能,促進植物在正常或逆境下提升生長增加產量。本研究成果顯示BP-R2菌株可促進阿拉伯芥、小白菜作物生長並可抵抗缺水和高鹽逆境。與興大生科系黃介辰老師之研究成果可進一步了解BP-R2菌株之作物應用種類及解析其促進作物生長之機制,期望能於未來擴大此菌之應用,並且提升經濟作物在面對全球氣候變遷中抵抗逆境之潛力