Ecological Agriculture: Ecological Monitoring and Rehabilitation of Agriculture LandscapesDepartment of Forestry / Liu, Wan-Yu / Distinguished Professor

論文篇名 英文:Tourists’ Environmental Vandalism and Cognitive Dissonance in a National Forest Park
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2020, 55, 126845
作者 Wu, Jing-Han; Lin, Hsing-Wei; Liu, Wan-Yu(柳婉郁)*
DOI 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126845
中文摘要 隨著周休二日制之實施,民眾於國內從事休閒遊憩活動的平均次數顯著增加,而遊憩環境遭受人為破壞的機會亦相對增加。本研究以溪頭自然教育園區遊客亂丟垃圾為例,分析遊客之環境態度、破壞行為與認知失調反應之相關性,以及不同社經背景之遊客,在環境態度、破壞行為意向與認知失調情緒反應的表現上是否存在顯著差異。本研究結果顯示:在其他條件不變下,年齡愈大的遊客,其愈偏向親環境之環境態度;而遊客的環境態度、年齡與踏青頻率會影響其亂丟垃圾之行為,年齡愈大、踏青頻率較高或擁有親環境態度的遊客,其亂丟垃圾的可能性相對較低。另外,年齡愈小、亂丟垃圾可能性愈高的遊客,其認知失調的反應亦較強烈。本研究建議遊憩管理單位針對破壞行為可能性較高的年輕族群,加強環保宣導與環境教育,並可利用認知失調理論,透過提高戶外遊憩品質及宣導自然環境之正面效益,降低遊客進行破壞行為的機率。
英文摘要 This study takes the littering of tourists in Xitou Nature Education Area in Taiwan as an example to analyze the relationships among tourists' environmental attitude, vandalism and cognitive dissonance. In this study, 500 questionnaires are distributed, and 499 questionnaires are returned. The subjects are the tourists of over 18 years of age in the Xitou Nature Education Area by convenience sampling between November 2015 and March 2016. The results of this study show that the older tourists have higher pro-environmental attitudes. The tourists who are older and more engaging in outdoor activities are less likely to litter. In contrast, the younger tourists intend to litter and their reactions of cognitive dissonance are stronger. This study suggests that the authorities shall strengthen environmental protection campaign and environmental education for younger tourists with a higher possibility of vandalism behavior. The probability of tourists' vandalism can be reduced by improving the quality of outdoor facilities and promoting benefits of the natural environment experiencing.