Recycling Agriculture: Recycling of Agricultural WasteDepartment of Life Sciences / Hwang, Hau-Hsuan / Associate Professor
論文篇名 英文:A plant endophytic bacterium, Burkholderia seminalis strain 869T2, promotes plant growth in Arabidopsis, pak choi, Chinese amaranth, lettuces, and other vegetables.
中文:植物內生菌Burkholderia seminalis 869T2可促進阿拉伯芥、青江菜、小白菜、萵苣、莧菜等作物生長
期刊名稱 Microorganisms
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2021, 9(8), 1703.
作者 Hwang, Hau-Hsuan(黃皓瑄)*; Chien, Pei-Ru; Huang, Fan-Chen; Hung, Shih-Hsun; Kuo, Chih-Horng; Deng, Wen-Ling; Chiang, En-Pei Isabel(蔣恩沛); Huang, Chieh-Chen(黃介辰)*
DOI 10.3390/microorganisms9081703
中文摘要 植物內生菌存在且生活於植物體內,可自表面消毒後之植物組織中分離出,不會造成植物有明顯地病徵。此類細菌可藉由多種機制幫助植物生長。已知格蘭氏陰性菌Burkholderia菌種包含根圈菌、植物或人類病原菌,也可做為復育植物生長、或做為控制其他植物病原菌生長之細菌,另某些菌株具有促進植物生長之能力。本研究自培地茅中分離出一株植物內生菌Burkholderia sp. 869T2具有生合成植物賀爾蒙中的植物生長素、有螯合鐵離子和磷溶的能力。經由本研究結果得知其可促進阿拉伯芥、青江菜、小白菜、萵苣、莧菜等作物生長。並促使葉菜類作物具有較多葉子和根部之生長。也可促進辣椒和秋葵開花數及結果量提升。
英文摘要 Plant endophytic bacteria live inside host plants, can be isolated from surface-sterilized plant tissues, and are non-pathogenic. These bacteria can assist host plants in obtaining more nutrients and can improve plant growth via multiple mechanisms. Certain Gram-negative Burkholderia species, including rhizobacteria, bioremediators, and biocontrol strains, have been recognized for their plant-growth-promoting abilities, while other isolates have been identified as opportunistic plant or human pathogens. In this study, we observed the auxin production, siderophore synthesis, and phosphate solubilization abilities of B. seminalis strain 869T2. Our results demonstrated that strain 869T2 promoted growth in Arabidopsis, ching chiang pak choi, pak choi, loose-leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, and Chinese amaranth. Leafy vegetables inoculated with strain 869T2 were larger, heavier, and had more and larger leaves and longer and heavier roots than mock-inoculated plants. Furthermore, inoculations of strain 869T2 into hot pepper caused increased flower and fruit production, and a higher percentage of fruits turned red. Inoculation of strain 869T2 into okra plants resulted in earlier flowering and increased fruit weight. In conclusion, the plant endophytic bacterium Burkholderia seminalis 869T2 exerted positive effects on growth and production in several plant species.
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性 植物生長受限,嚴重影響經濟作物的產值。相較於利用傳統育種或基因改造獲得或選拔抗逆境作物的策略,施用植物內生菌幫助作物提升生長速率與抵抗環境逆境,可作為高效能且安全性較高的替代方案。本研究自培地茅中分離出一株植物內生菌Burkholderia sp. 869T2。植物內生菌存在且生活於植物體內,可自表面消毒後之植物組織中分離出,不會造成植物有明顯地病徵。內生菌可促進寄主植物獲得較多養分或藉由調節植物賀爾蒙功能,促進植物在正常或逆境下提升生長增加產量。已知869T2菌株可抑制香蕉受病原菌Fusarium oxysporum之感染,而本研究成果顯示869T2菌株可促進阿拉伯芥、青江菜、萵苣等作物生長。與興大生科系黃介辰老師之研究成果可進一步了解869T2菌株之作物應用種類及解析其促進作物生長之機制,期望能於未來擴大此菌之應用,並且提升經濟作物在面對全球氣候變遷中抵抗逆境之潛力。本研究成果已獲得2020年國家新創獎2019年科技部未來科技獎