Ecological Agriculture: Reduce Greenhouse Gases of AgricultureDepartment of Life Sciences / Lin, Hsing-Juh / Distinguished Professor 

論文篇名 英文:Factors structuring the macrobenthos community in tidal algal reefs
中文: 影響潮間帶藻礁底棲動物群集之因子
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2020161, 105119
作者 Yu, Hsin-Yu; Huang, Shou-Chung; Lin, Hsing-Juh(林幸助)*
DOI 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105119
中文摘要 海岸棲地類型常決定大型底棲無脊椎動物群集。本研究量化粗糙度及基質多樣性作為棲地複雜度的指標,探討影響桃園海岸四種主要棲地類型(藻礁(R)、藻礁與礫石混生(RG)、沙地與礫石混生(SG)及沙地(S))之大型底棲無脊椎動物密度與群集結構之主要驅動力。研究結果顯示,R有最高的棲地複雜度,其他依序為RG、SG、S。棲地複雜度越高,大型底棲無脊椎動物的密度與多樣性皆越高。多毛綱、雙殼綱、十足目及等足目數量在棲地間有顯著差異,大型底棲無脊椎動物群集組成在棲地間亦有顯著差異。造成差異的主要因子為棲地粗糙度及水體相對流速,而水質的影響相對較小。相對流速高的R,有較多的雙殼綱及濾食性的多毛綱;較高粗糙度有利於提供體型小的裂蟲科及小型小相手蟹良好的庇護所;而珠螺與海葵偏好基質多樣性較高的礫石混生棲地(RG及SG)。整體而言,桃園海岸水體相對流速是影響海岸大型底棲無脊椎動物群集的主要驅動力,但漂沙卻是壓力來源,使得基質多樣性高的SG及RG因為漂沙影響而降低生物多樣性。
英文摘要 Tidal algal reefs are considered high biodiversity habitats but have received little attention. Macrobenthos communities were characterized in a gradient of habitat types on the tidal flats in northwestern Taiwan, including algal reefs (R), mixed algal reefs and gravel (RG), mixed sand and gravel (SG) and sand (S). Both hydrodynamic movement and surface rugosity were highest in R, followed by RG, SG, and S. The faster the movement and the higher the rugosity were, the higher the density and taxon richness of the macrobenthos community. The relatively slower movement and accumulated sand in S likely resulted in stress on organisms, which led to a lower density and taxon richness of the macrobenthos community. Our results suggest that the main factors structuring the macrobenthos community in the diverse habitat types were hydrodynamic movement and surface rugosity.