Ecological Agriculture: Development of Precision Cultivation and Management TechnologyDepartment of Soil Environmental Sciences / Lai, Hung-Yu / Professor

英文:Comparison of soil properties and organic components in infusions with different aerial appearances of tea plantations in central Taiwan
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 202012 (11): 4384
作者 Tongsiri, Prapasiri; Tseng, Wen-Yu; Shen, Yuan(申雍); Lai, Hung-Yu(賴鴻裕)*
DOI 10.3390/su12114384
中文摘要 茶的品質和產量受到氣候、管理方式、醱酵過程及土壤性質的影響,本研究利用航照圖找出台灣中部生長良好與生長不良之茶區,分析其11種土壤性質及5種茶湯組成成分之差異。統計結果顯示,土壤的濕團粒穩定度、酸鹼值及交換性鉀含量對茶湯組成成分之影響高於其他性質,若是以11個土壤性質計算土壤品質,則67%生長良好土壤的土壤品質優於生長不良。生長不良茶區之茶湯總多酚及兒茶素高於生長良好區域,游離胺基酸則與土壤酸鹼值及銅含量有顯著之相關性;然而,游離胺基酸及黃酮與多數土壤性質皆呈現負相關性。本研究之結果可以提供茶園管理之參考。
英文摘要 The climate, type of management, fermentation process, and soil properties critically affect the productivity and quality of tea. In this study, tender tea leaves were collected from central Taiwan, and organic components in their infusions as well as physical and chemical soil properties differentiated using aerial photographs with good and bad growth exhibitions were determined. Eleven physical and chemical soil properties as well as five compounds in tea infusions were analyzed to determine the main factor that affects the growth of these tea trees. The Fleiss’ kappa statistic results revealed that the wet aggregate stability, pH, and exchangeable potassium content exhibit the most significant effect, with scores of 0.86, 0.64, and 0.62, respectively. Soil quality calculated using the mean weight diameter based on 11 soil properties revealed that ~67% of the total score of G is greater than that of B. Generally, contents of total polyphenols (51.67%) and catechins (51.76%) in the infusions of B were greater than those of G. In addition, significant positive correlations between the free amino acid content and soil properties, including pH and copper content, were observed. However, a negative correlation between the free amino acid and flavone contents and most of the soil properties was observed. The survey data set obtained from this study can provide useful information for the improved management of tea plantations.