論文篇名 | 英文:Local Scour of Armor Layer Processes around the Circular Pier in Non-Uniform Gravel Bed 中文:橋墩周圍護甲層在非均勻礫石底床上的局部淘刷過程 |
期刊名稱 | Water |
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 | 2019,11(7) |
作者 | Manish Pandey, Su-Chin Chen*, P. K. Sharma, C. S. P. Ojha and V. Kumar |
DOI | 10.3390/w11071421 |
中文摘要 | 本研究探討圓形橋墩在不同粒徑的礫石河床上其護甲層的沖刷過程及最大沖刷深度,試驗中共進行85次清水沖刷試驗。研究中發現橋墩周圍護甲層的無因次沖刷深度曲線變化,其曲線變化主要取決於顆粒福祿數(Frd50 ),隨著顆粒福祿數的減少,沖刷深度的縮小率也會隨之減小。 |
英文摘要 | Flume experiments have been carried out under clear water scour conditions to analyze the maximum equilibrium scour depth and scour processes in armored streambeds. A total of 85 experiments have been carried out using different diameters of circular piers and non-uniform gravels. A graphical approach for dimensionless scour depth in equilibrium condition around the circular pier in armored streambeds has been developed. As per this curve, the maximum dimensionless scour depth variation with dimensionless armor particle size depends on the densimetric particle Froude number (Frd50 ), and the decreasing rate of dimensionless scour depth decreases with the value of Frd50 . |
【學術亮點】橋墩周圍護甲層在非均勻礫石底床上的局部淘刷過程 2019-07-10
