論文篇名 | 英文:Intense light and conspecific density increase seedling mortality across age groups in a typhoon-disturbed tropical forest 中文:強光和同種密度增加颱風擾動熱帶森林中各年齡幼苗的死亡率 |
期刊名稱 | Journal of Vegetation Science |
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 | 2024, 35(5): e13309 |
作者 | Lin, Yung-Chiau; Chao, Kuo-Jung(趙國容)*; Song, Guo-Zhang M.; Chao, Wei-Chun; Chang-Yang, Chia-Hao; Hsieh, Chang-Fu |
DOI | 10.1111/jvs.13309 |
中文摘要 | 問題:維持森林物種多樣性、更新功能和生態系統的韌性始於幼苗的成功建立。儘管它們在生態系統中扮演著關鍵角色,幼苗在植物生命史階段中面臨著最高的死亡風險。我們的研究旨在回答以下問題:在受到颱風擾動的熱帶森林中,幼苗的存活時間中位數是多少個月?光照是否增加小苗的死亡風險?在不同年齡組的幼苗中,關鍵的死亡風險因素是什麼? 地點:台灣南仁山自然保護區,經常受到颱風影響的熱帶山區常綠闊葉林。 方法:我們從2009年10月至2018年1月,在75個樣方(每個1 m ×1m)內,每三個月對木本植物幼苗進行調查,8.3年間共進行了34次普查。我們使用Kaplan-Meier方法估計幼苗的中位生存時間,並使用廣義線性模型來識別所有幼苗以及那些存活超過中位生存時間的死亡風險因素。 結果:所有幼苗的中位生存時間為0.5年,範圍從非耐陰性物種的0.25年到耐陰性物種的1.25年。此外,無論年齡如何,發芽於強光和同種幼苗密度高的幼苗,死亡率較高。 結論:本研究揭示了颱風擾動森林中幼苗短暫的生存時間及其關鍵的死亡風險因子。光照對幼苗存活的負面影響暗示了颱風擾動導致光照增加後的潛在影響。 |
英文摘要 | Questions: Maintaining forest species diversity, regenerative function, and ecosystem resilience begins with successful seedling establishment. Despite their critical role, seedlings face the highest mortality risks among plant life history stages. Our research aims to answer the following questions: In a tropical forest disturbed by typhoons, what is the median survival time for seedlings, to what extent do light levels contribute to mortality risks, and what are the crucial mortality risks across seedling age groups? Location: A tropical mountain zonal foothill evergreen broad-leaved forest in Nanjenshan Nature Reserve, Taiwan, frequently visited by typhoons. Methods: We investigated woody seedlings in 75 quadrats (each 1 m × 1 m) every three months from October 2009 to January 2018, which spanned over 8.3 years with 34 censuses. We used the Kaplan-Meier method to estimate seedlings’ median survival time and generalised linear models to identify mortality risk factors for all seedlings and those that persisted beyond the median survival time. Results: The median survival time for all seedlings was 0.5 years, ranging from 0.25 years for shade-intolerant species to 1.25 years for shade-tolerant species. Additionally, regardless of age, seedlings germinated in high-light microhabitats and high conspecific seedling density exhibited higher mortality probabilities. Conclusions: This study reveals the short survival time and key mortality risks of seedlings in a typhoon-disturbed forest. The negative impact of light levels on seedling survival highlights the potential consequences of increased light levels resulting from typhoon disturbances in the study region. |
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性 | 森林是重要的自然碳匯,然而台灣的森林經常受到颱風的影響。本研究發現,長期的颱風干擾可能對現存森林下層幼苗的更新不利。研究結果顯示,光照和密度對熱帶森林幼苗的影響顯著,強光和高密度環境會增加幼苗的死亡率,這意味著颱風過後林下光照的增加反而不利於幼苗的存活。因此,相關科研機構應該更密切地追蹤促進森林更新的關鍵因素,以維護台灣陸域生態系統中重要的碳匯功能。 |