Facility Agricultural: Utilization of Livestock Waste in Automated Cultivation of Microalgae and Reutilization in Poultry FarmingDepartment of Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering / Wu, Ching-Chou / Professor
論文篇名 英文:Exploring the potential of dual-sensitive hydrogels for personalized precision medicine applications
期刊名稱 Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2024, 105303
作者 Lan, Yi. Xuan; Yan, Jia. De; Su, Hong Lin; Wu, Chia Ching; Kuo, Chia Hung; Chiu, Chien Chih; Chang, Ming Wei; Takemoto, Logan; Wu, Ching Chou(吳靖宙)*; Wang, Hui Min David
DOI 10.1016/j.jtice.2023.105303
中文摘要 本研究開發了一種新型的雙反應水凝膠材料,由熱敏型(基本型)和 pH 敏感型水凝膠所組成。此外,創新的水凝膠表現出熱可逆性,可以在低溫下液化並在室溫下恢復。我們使用傅立葉變換紅外光譜、掃描電子顯微鏡、熱重分析(TGA)和流變儀來觀察水凝膠的機械性能。結果顯示,水凝膠具有較小的孔徑,揭示了分子鏈之間的正相互作用。雙反應水凝膠在體外對黑色素瘤B16F10細胞表現出最小的細胞毒性,顯示其具有良好的生物相容性和潛力。微粒中的水凝膠具有多種優點,包括高表面積與體積比以及在微型結構內的輸送。微流控裝置在生產水凝膠顆粒方面很有前景,因為它們能夠在微加工過程中實現高精度的流量控制,從而產生精確的尺寸和形狀。這項研究使用微流體裝置來生產水凝膠顆粒並封裝細胞,用於未來的藥物篩選應用。
英文摘要 In this study, a novel, dual-reaction hydrogel was composed of a thermo-sensitive type (fundamental) and a pH-sensitive type. In addition, the innovative hydrogel showed thermal reversibility and could liquefy at low temperatures and recover at room temperature. We used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and rheometer to observe the hydrogel's mechanical properties. Results show the hydrogel had a small pore size, revealing positive interactions between molecular chains. The dual-reactive hydrogel exhibited the least cytotoxicity to B16F10 cells in vitro, indicating great biocompatibility and potential. The hydrogel in microparticles brings several advantages, including a high surface area-to-volume ratio and delivery within microscale structures. Microfluidic devices are promising for producing hydrogel particles because they enable high-precision flow control during microfabrication, resulting in precise size and shape. This study used a microfluidic device to produce hydrogel particles and encapsulate cells for future drug screening applications.
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性 本研究利用微流體液珠成型晶片,將溫度敏感性與pH敏感性水凝膠材料,進行water-in-oil液珠的形成,該水凝膠能透過溫度變化改變材料的黏滯度與儲存模數,以滿足water-in-oil液珠的擠出成型與後續細胞培養之基材軟硬度需求。該水凝膠材料可運用在微藻或動物細胞包埋培養,且製作成微珠型態有利於外部營養源輸送到微珠內部。對目標細胞提供一個可賴以生存的微環境,對育種或獸醫學等領域具有發展潛力。