Ecological Agriculture: Nature-based Solutions for Restoring Ecological Landscapes on Degraded Hillslopes due to Extreme Climate EventsDepartment of Soil Water Conservation / Chen, Su-Chin / Distinguished Professor
論文篇名 英文:Natural Disasters Occurrence, Reduction, and Restoration in Mountain Regions
期刊名稱 Water
發表年份,卷數,起迄頁數 2024, 16(2), 313
作者 Chen, Su-Chin(陳樹群)*
DOI 10.3390/w16020313
中文摘要 政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)的第六次評估報告指出,氣候變遷可能會加劇與水和泥沙相關災害的嚴重性和頻率,並且這些災害將呈全球範圍擴展。在全球變暖和氣候變化的影響下,降雨和其他氣象事件的時空分佈變得越來越不均勻,這些事件通常伴隨著更極端的規模或強度。歐洲阿爾卑斯山的實證研究揭示了一系列機制,表明氣候變化加劇了坡面不穩定,尤其是與氣象和氣候條件的惡化相關,這些條件使地形更容易引發泥石流。在過去的幾十年裡,該地區泥石流活動的增加與強降雨事件的加劇有著密切的相關性。在亞洲,實際例子包括2009年8月襲擊台灣南部的颱風莫拉克,該颱風在四天內帶來了超過3000毫米的極端降雨,最終引發了小林村滑坡,造成超過400人遇難。同樣,日本也因山坡崩塌而遭受重大損失,從1990年到2019年,每年平均記錄1241次沉積物災害,並在2000年至2019年間造成678人死亡或失踪。相較於地震事件,水文氣象災害的搜救行動效率相對較低,這突顯了此類災害帶來的複合挑戰。此外,山區特別容易受到一系列複合災害的影響,包括乾旱、山洪暴發、森林火災、泥石流和山體滑坡,而氣候變化的變遷進一步放大了這些災害對物理、生態和社會經濟系統的風險。因此,本研究旨在闡明極端降雨事件伴隨的災害的特徵,並探討當前在原位觀測技術、早期預警模型和災害風險減少策略方面的最新進展。
英文摘要 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report posits that climate change is likely to exacerbate the severity and frequency of water- and sediment-related disasters on a global scale. Under the impacts of global warming and climate change, the spatiotemporal patterns of rainfall and other weather events have become more unevenly distributed, often with a more extreme magnitude and/or intensity of events. Empirical studies conducted within the European Alps have elucidated a suite of mechanisms by which climate change is implicated in the exacerbation of slope instability, with a notable escalation in meteorological and climatic conditions that predispose terrains to the initiation of debris flows. Recent decades have witnessed a correlation between heightened debris flow activity and intensified pluvial events within this region. In Asia, one practical example is Typhoon Morakot, which struck southern Taiwan in August 2009, which incurred unprecedented pluviometric extremes exceeding 3000 mm within four days, culminating in the catastrophic Shiaolin landslide with over 400 fatalities. Similarly, Japan has experienced significant losses due to slope failures, with an average of 1241 sediment disasters recorded annually from 1990 to 2019, culminating in 678 fatalities and disappearances between 2000 and 2019 (Contribution 1). The comparative inefficacy of search and rescue operations for hydro-meteorological disasters relative to seismic events highlights the compounded challenges of such disasters. Furthermore, mountainous regions are particularly vulnerable to a spectrum of compound disasters, including droughts, flash floods, forest fires, debris flows, and landslides, with the vicissitudes of climate change amplifying the risk profile for physical, ecological, and socio-economic systems. Accordingly, this Special Issue endeavors to elucidate the emergent characteristics of disasters concomitant with extreme rainfall events and to survey the recent progress in state-of-the-art in situ observational technologies, early warning models, and disaster risk-reduction strategies.
發表成果與本中心研究主題相關性 影響山坡地農村發展的土砂災害防治